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Saab Global

Aware and ahead

4 min read

Predicting the nature and scope of future conflicts and security challenges is extremely difficult. One thing is for sure, threats will become smarter, faster and increasingly move across domains. 在这种情况下保护人民和国家, you need the ability to provide persistent early warning and timely trusted information over multiple domains. 这正是“全球之眼”的空中预警和控制(AEW)&C)提供——创造多领域优势的关键能力.

When GlobalEye was launched a few years ago it was not only the first truly multi-domain airborne early warning and control solution on the market. 它也永远地改变了空中监视的概念. It made it possible to solve a nation's common surveillance needs from a single platform that allow for multi-domain surveillance and cross domain exchange of information, 使决策者更紧密地联系在一起,提高首先看到并采取行动的能力.

Covering three domains

With its unique mix of modern active and passive sensors GlobalEye can simultaneously detect and track large number of objects in the air, at sea and over land. This, 再加上它实时交换大量信息的能力, makes GlobalEye a strategic resource for military operations as well as regular airborne surveillance missions.

GlobalEye can detect, identify and track all kinds of targets – even in severe clutter and challenging jamming conditions – from traditional aircraft of all sizes, fighters, 巡航导弹和直升机瞄准空中和海上的隐形目标, 包括水上摩托艇和硬壳充气艇(rhib), 潜艇潜望镜甚至水面物体. GlobalEye can also detect smaller entities, also from great distances, which necessary for detecting new, 低可观测飞行物和不对称威胁.

The fully integrated sensor suite includes the high-performing Erieye ER AESA surveillance radar, an additional AESA maritime surveillance radar on the underside of the fuselage and  an electro-optical (EO) sensor.


One solution, multiple roles

“全球之眼”机载预警和远程控制相结合, 在单一解决方案中具有强大的切换角色能力的多角色监视功能. This means that GlobalEye can operate in several dedicated and fully optimized roles as well as in a multitude of combined roles. But that is not all. 它还可以在执行任务期间的任何时间在这些角色之间立即改变, utilising on-board sensors and command and control capabilities to create the most beneficial mission effect.

Rapidly adapting to mission dynamics

This multi-role capability means that all tactical functions are simultaneously accessible from any operator workstation. This ensures that the operator can at any time during a mission, use any of the tactical tools. The mission system also provides a high degree of automatic system support for all tactical applications, 给了宇航员快速适应任务动态的优势.

作为市场上最现代和先进的机载监控解决方案, GlobalEye ensures that a nation’s air, 海上和地面部队可以从真实和联合的画面中受益匪浅, 允许以最小的磨损进行操作. 这反过来意味着更少的猜测和根据即时和准确的信息做出的决定.

True and complete picture

任务的成功不仅需要探测和跟踪目标的能力, but also the ability to rapidly collect, 传播和理解大量复杂的数据,并将其转化为准确的数据, highly reliable, real-time information providing commanders with the decision support they need to carry out their missions successfully.

“环球眼”将多个传感器和复杂的数据融合在一起, 在一个直观的任务系统中正是如此. It has the power to process massive volumes of data and to analyse and disseminate it in an automated and efficient way, providing all the data and insights required for creating a true and complete situational picture. A higher level of awareness, with the ability to minimize the time from detection to action.

Information is key

GlobalEye can collect, process, and distribute information and makes it easy to effectively share information with everyone involved in an operation. 它甚至可以指导和管理其他资产,并让他们知道何时何地采取行动, 让共享知识成为共同力量.

Maximising joint forces operations

传感器的多样性和GlobalEye提供安全的能力, 协作战术单位之间的实时信息交换, makes way for the nation’s air, 海上和地面部队将受益匪浅. 不仅是因为能够更快地发现威胁, but also from making faster, more accurate decisions based on secure, real-time exchange of information.
This first-to-know capability means more agile and precise actions ensuring improved mission effect.

In peace, crisis or conflicts

The need, both military and civil, 一个可以覆盖空中的空中监视系统, 根据我们提供预警的经验,海上和陆地仍然没有减少&几十年来,我们没有看到这种需求发生变化. GlobalEye offers a unique surveillance capability and provide decades of capability as you would expect from a system seen as a national security asset. GlobalEye makes situational awareness a vital strategic resource – whether in times of peace, crisis or conflicts.

Making technology make a difference

Saab have more than sixty years in the forefront of sensor technology development creating powerful applications and game-changing innovations.
GlobalEye结合了星际网赌导航在传感器方面的专业知识, 将复杂系统和指挥控制系统集成为一个统一的解决方案, and it is an example of what can be achieved when world leading systems integration meets world-leading systems and technologies.
通过不断挑战未知,并通过不断发展的技术方法, Saab is constantly pushing human and technological boundaries and dedicated in its quest to make technology make a difference.

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