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RBS 70 ng


5分钟 读 + Video

然而,每种GBAD制导系统都有其优点和缺点, 将它们结合起来可以产生真正出色的结果.

In situations where multiple missiles are likely to be required in quick succession it can be useful to have fire-and-forget solutions at hand. 同时, 在可能的情况下,喷气式战斗机将构成空中威胁的一部分, 一种有效的解决方案, 比如RBS 70 ng, 带来了传统制导系统无法提供的巨大优势. 与此同时, gun systems may have a role to play in defeating simple aerial threats like drones and helicopters.

The same rule – that a diverse range of solutions brings the best results – also applies when one considers range.


Ground-based air defence is commonly divided into three main ranges: short range for systems capable of bringing down targets between zero and 10 kilometres away; 媒介 range for solutions effective up to 50 kilometres from the target; and long range for systems capable of covering more than 50 kilometres.

Long-range systems – one example is the Patriot system from the 美国 – are formidable weapons. 他们有很大的覆盖范围,并有能力摧毁各种空中威胁, 包括喷气式战斗机. 但是远程导弹系统也有一些弱点. The relatively high cost of both the launcher and missile make long-range systems a poor choice of weapon for destroying small, 一次性无人机——这是西方敌人越来越普遍的武器选择. 他们对雷达制导的依赖带来了其他问题. 为一个, the curved nature of the earth’s surface creates radar shadow zones when radar systems are used to scan locations many kilometres away. 这意味着如果空中威胁离地面很近, 说, 小于1000米, 它可以潜在地避免被远距离探测到 GBAD系统. 与此同时, modern fighter aircraft very often carry sophisticated countermeasures to manage the threat from radar-guided missiles. Long-range systems are also very slow to deploy due to the large sized of both the launcher and missile.


Medium range GBAD系统s share many of the strengths – and also many of the failings – of long-range systems. 中等范围的解决方案, 例如俄罗斯的山毛榉M2系统, might have an extended range of 45 to 50 kilometres and be highly effective against a wide range of aerial threats. 但同样,这种系统的费用往往很高. 再一次。, the curvature of the earth and radar shadow are problems when acquiring targets over long distances. 此外,导弹的雷达干扰和相对较慢的部署时间也是问题所在.


短程GBAD系统也有局限性. 它们没有大型系统的覆盖范围长,有些系统的覆盖范围只有3000米. Many use infrared missile guidance systems which can be fooled by the countermeasures on military aircraft. But they bring benefits in terms of agility and fast deployment and don’t suffer as much from the radar shadow effect as long-range systems. A number of short-range systems are man-portable meaning they can go where no long-range system could ever go – off road, 进入荒野地区, 在高楼林立的城市地区的屋顶上. The smaller size of short-range GBAD系统s means they are less likely to be sighted during satellite reconnaissance, 提供出其不意的因素,可以证明是致命的敌人的空中威胁.

RBS 70 ng

此外, RBS 70 ng系统 带来了许多其他短程系统所没有的好处. 它的有效射程是令人印象深刻的9公里, 对任何胆敢进入射程的飞机构成致命威胁. 如前所述,它还使用激光制导,使其不受干扰.


The secret to achieving truly effective air defence is to use these different systems in concert and with other technologies to create layered aerial defence.

远程系统可以用来提供坚实的防御骨干, 帮助监测和保护大的地理区域, 特别关注高价值资产, 尤其是在点对点冲突中. 这些远程GBAD系统可以, 反过来, 得到中程解决方案的支持, 这将增加机动性和覆盖率. 通过使用优质的短程解决方案, armed forces can provide high levels of coverage to assets on the move and overcome issues such as radar shadow.

Our RBS 70 ng solution brings together a range of features to enable high-quality short-range air defence. Missiles fired by the system are capable of achieving Mach 2 and the solution is effective at altitudes of up to 5000 metres. 导弹摧毁目标后的重新装填时间少于5秒.

RBS 70 ng具有一系列旨在增强操作人员体验的功能. 集成, 高分辨率热成像允许昼夜功能, 而先进的线索可以改善反应时间和目标获取. 自动跟踪器在交战期间协助操作者,并增加命中概率. 同时,内置的视频记录允许事后回顾.

总的教训很清楚. The secret to effective air defence today lies in combining the strengths of a number of systems. 寻求最佳结果的武装部队应该长期联合起来, 媒介, 和短程GBAD系统, 包括多种多样的制导技术, 并确保RBS 70 ng是组合的一部分.




战场正在改变. 随着无人机的出现, 无人机和其他先进武器, 空中威胁一直在多样化, 保证地面部队的安全比以往任何时候都要困难. Saab’s Mobile Short-Range 空气 Defence (MSHORAD) system is a vehicle-integrated solution that can identify, 迅速反击和消除空中威胁, 有效而果断地.



自从第一架军用飞机飞上天空, air attack has been one of the most powerful strategies for dominating opponents on the ground. The term ground-based air defence (GBAD) refers to a systems aimed at neutralising or diminishing the aerial threat posed by manned aircraft, 无人驾驶飞行器(uav), 小型无人机和导弹. 与空中防空系统不同, GBAD系统s are operated from the surface of the earth or from ships located in marine environments.






市场总监 & 技术销售,导弹系统

负责导弹系统的市场和技术销售. Former officer in the Swedish Army; from squad leader to Deputy Battery Commander in 空气 Defence Regiment. 2011年起在陆基防空部队担任预备役军官. 

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