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Barracuda camouflage increases focus on the US

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随着世界面临新的威胁, 星际网赌导航的业务部门Barracuda正在努力确保美国客户拥有他们所需的先进伪装解决方案.

The world of warfare is constantly evolving. 就在几年前, 美国武装部队主要集中在沙漠地区的不对称冲突上. 现在, 他们的主要目标之一是准备在广泛的气候和地形下进行点对点战斗.


As the US military gears up for such new challenges, Saab’s business unit Barracuda is lending a hand. In response to high levels of interest from US decision makers, 星际网赌导航公司将在2024年参与多项试验,包括在格鲁吉亚进行的陆军远征战士实验(AEWE)和在加州国家训练中心进行的融合/顶点24项目,目的是展示星际网赌导航公司的先进伪装解决方案如何帮助拯救美国人的生命,并为美国提供技术和战术优势.

"We also know that the Barracuda product line has the high-performing, multispectral solutions that the US Armed Forces need to avoid detection"
克里斯特·安德森,市场总监 & 销售

“随着美国从反恐战争过渡到准备多领域作战, we have been receiving a significant number of inquiries about our products,” says 克里斯特·安德森,市场总监 & 销售星际网赌导航的业务部门梭鱼. “我们知道,在现代战场上,探测目标的方法比以往任何时候都多, 包括使用无人机, 卫星和先进传感器. We also know that the Barracuda product line has the high-performing, multispectral solutions that the US Armed Forces need to avoid detection. And we have been demonstrating this wherever possible.”

Barracuda solutions demonstrated at multiple locations

克里斯特·安德森说,在过去的几年里,人们对梭鱼系统的兴趣一直在稳步增长, 特别是“梭鱼”移动伪装系统(MCS),它可以帮助军用车辆在移动和战斗中避免被发现. While other manufacturers are still developing mobile systems, “梭鱼”MCS的技术就绪等级为9级(TRL9),已经运行和持续开发超过25年. 它经过多次成功部署的实战证明,受到全球各国的信任.

“梭鱼”系统在美国的一个关键试验场是陆军远征勇士实验(AEWE)。, 这是一项一年一度的活动,美国陆军的潜在装备将在现场演习中进行试验. 演习在乔治亚州的摩尔堡举行,由美国陆军机动作战实验室协调.


在去年举行的AEWE 2023试验中, 对Barracuda士兵系统——一种个人使用的轻型热伪装系统——进行了评估. Evaluators provided extremely positive feedback on the system, which is now being further evaluated by the Soldier Enhancement Program (SEP), the Army’s initiative for procuring equipment for dismounted warfighters. Further trials are being carried out in Alaska and Fort Liberty this spring.

Barracuda MCS and ULCAS - The Perfect Match
视频- 00:44

与此同时, during the AEWE 2024 trials in February this year, an even wider range of Saab’s systems was evaluated. Besides the Soldier System and Mobile Camouflage System, troops participated with Barracuda’s new Frequency Selective Surface (FSS) system. FSS技术允许隐藏在多频谱网络中的作战人员使用无线电信号进行通信,并访问GPS信号,而无需通过戳出天线或GPS接收器暴露自己. 来自美国、英国、荷兰和德国的单位参加了试验.

史蒂夫Simmerer, 营销和销售总监星际网赌导航美国指出,星际网赌导航是一个受人尊敬的名字在美国军事圈. “我们在AEWE 2023上取得了出色的成绩, 我认为,被选中回到AEWE 2024确实说明了陆军对迷彩的兴趣,并相信我们的产品值得进一步评估.”

"...Saab’s Barracuda not only provides extremely advanced products, there’s not another company that can match its wide spectrum of products.”
史蒂夫Simmerer, 市场总监 and 销售

他补充说, “2022年出版的陆军FM3-0野战手册提到了对签名掩蔽的需求, and camouflage is an important part of that. And Saab’s Barracuda not only provides extremely advanced products, there’s not another company that can match its wide spectrum of products.”


Barracuda系统今年试用的另一个关键事件是Project Convergence (PC-24)。, 联合跨国公司, 两阶段, 在3月份进行的“肮脏”实验. 这是在加利福尼亚州欧文堡的美国陆军国家训练中心上演的.


2022年10月, 星际网赌导航与美国主要军用车辆供应商奥什科什防务公司签署了优先供应商协议. 目前正在合作将“梭鱼”MCS集成到奥什科什联合轻型战术车(JLTV)上。. 然后是2023年5月, 星际网赌导航宣布与加拿大塔尔玛安全系统公司合作,为北美客户生产梭鱼移动伪装系统. Tulmar现在正在安大略省组装MCS单元,使用的材料是星际网赌导航在瑞典的业务部门Barracuda生产的.

As demand for Barracuda systems in the US increases, Saab is considering a manufacturing partner who can help facilitate assembly on US soil.


约翰Stjernfeldt, 梭鱼的市场和销售主管, 他说,星际网赌导航成为美国军方最佳供应商的原因之一是文化契合. “The US and Sweden have a range of shared values and ambitions,” he says. 

“美国的客户通常很擅长解释他们对不同伪装应用的确切需求. And I think Saab has an excellent capacity for listening, taking this on board and providing exactly what’s needed.”
约翰Stjernfeldt, Head of Marketing and 销售

史蒂夫Simmerer这样总结星际网赌导航业务部门Barracuda最近的工作:“我们看到对迷彩的兴趣有了巨大的复苏,我们很高兴能够支持美国市场. Saab’s focus is about keeping people and society safe. 这就是我们正在做的. We're helping to keep our warfighters safe with signature masking.”



现代军用车辆必须具有低信号,并能适应击败或消除威胁. We developed our Mobile Camouflage System (MCS) to do that.

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